Top Signs you have a Yeast Overgrowth

Yeast overgrowths in the body, such as Candida, are at the root of many chronic health conditions today. In fact, Candida can cause a host of symptoms that can wreak havoc on your health; including your hormones, your brain, your energy, your skin.
Often times, people are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, and other skin disorders, when the underlying culprit is a chronic yeast overgrowth!

Here's the top signs that may indicate you have yeast overgrowth.

Do you suspect you have a yeast overgrowth such as Candida?  There are a surprising array of symptoms connected to yeast in the body.  

*  Fatigue
*  Itching, eczema, rashes, dandruff and other skin issues
*  Gas and bloating
*  Headaches
*  Muscle and joint pain
*  Brain fog (poor memory and concentration)
*  Depression
*  Hard to kick cravings for sweets, breads, or alcohol
*  ‘Coated’ tongue
*  Vaginal yeast infections, jock itch, or fungal infections of the nails
*  Nasal congestion/ sinus infections
*  Recurrent ear infections or fluid in ears
*  Hormone irregularities, and premenstrual tension

Did you know there are 79 different toxins released by the metabolism and die-off of Candida?  The Candida toxins are regularly entering your bloodstream, which is why people with yeast overgrowth often feel so lousy!  In fact, two of the toxins released are alcohol and acetaldehyde, which is the breakdown byproduct of alcohol.  These toxins are in such high amounts in some people with chronic yeast issues, that they may actually feel “drunk”.    

To add to this disaster, acetaldehyde also reacts with our brain chemical dopamine, which is why people with yeast overgrowth often have anxiety, depression, poor concentration, or ‘brain-fog’

What’s Leaky Gut Got to do with it?

As the yeast burrows into the intestinal mucosa, it damages the intestines, causing Leaky Gut. When the intestinal health is damaged, it can lead to increasing food intolerances.  This is one of the big reasons it’s important to address a yeast overgrowth.  Yeast grows roots, and can grow even outside of the intestinal tract.  

A Master at Hiding- Yeast surrounds itself in a biofilm, a mucous layer that protects it from detection, and prevents medications and natural agents from killing it off.  This is what makes it so difficult to get rid of!  We have to disrupt the biofilm in order to effectively get to the yeast.

What causes yeast to proliferate in the first place?

You’re smart, so I knew you’d ask!

The balance of good bacteria to bad bacteria in our gut, plays a huge role in our overall health.  When we don’t have enough of the beneficial bacteria in our gut, and we have too much of the bad bacteria,  it paves the way for yeast to proliferate, and begin taking over.  

Soooooo…. what causes this imbalance in our gut bacteria?  The answer… lots of things!  

The Biggest Contributors to Yeast in Your Body


Every round of antibiotics you have taken in your life, is like setting off a nuclear bomb in your body.  It destroys all bacteria, both good and bad.  This sets the stage for the yeast to come in and set up house.  Studies show that taking antibiotics directly contributes to yeast overgrowths;  it’s like opening the door and rolling out the welcome mat for these havoc creating bugs.

Birth Control Pills

It has been well documented that birth control pills upset the delicate balance of our internal ecosystem (our gut bacteria) causing an overgrowth of yeast.  This is one of the most common side effects of taking the pill, and unfortunately most women don’t know this is what’s contributing to an increase in symptoms they never had before.

Diets High in Sugar and Refined Carbs  

Sugar directly feeds yeast!  The only source of fuel for these bugs is sugar!  Picture these little bugs in there with their mouths open, screaming for more sugar.  In fact, they’ll start to die off if you ‘starve’ them of sugar.  If you have cravings for sweets that you can’t control,  it is often coming from these yeast, not you!  It’s not about willpower, it’s not about not being disciplined enough to stay away from the sweets and carbs;  it’s about getting the bad guys out, so you can find out what it is you’re really craving, not what they’re craving!  It’s what I call the “yeasties and the beasties”,  as you start to cut all sources of sugars out of your diet, you may not feel good at first, as the yeast is being killed off and eliminated from your system.


Yeast LOVES dairy (even as much as sugar! And it actually is another source of sugar) When you eat dairy products, you are directly feeding yeast.  This is often why skin conditions, nasal/ sinus issues can begin to improve with the total removal of dairy and sugar, it’s commonly an underlying yeast condition!  

Other Medications  

The reality is, nearly all medications disrupt the delicate balance of our microbiome, affecting the beneficial bugs in our gut.  Over time, this leads to open doors for yeast to gain a foothold.

Heavy Metal Toxicity

If you have a toxic heavy metal burden in your body such as mercury, or aluminum, it will make it much harder to eradicate yeast, since these heavy metals can harbor yeast.  Without addressing the heavy metals, we won’t be successful in eradicating the yeast. However, this is not as common, most people are able to successfully eradicate yeast through a targeted protocol.

Steps you can take to begin eradicating the yeast overgrowths in your body.

The Good News!  Yes there are steps you can take to begin eradicating the yeast overgrowths in your body.  If you are someone that can’t stop at one cookie, or one piece of chocolate, there’s a chance that yeast in your body is making it nearly impossible to avoid sweets and other refined carbs such as breads, pasta, pastries, cereals (all of these turn to sugar very quickly once eaten).

What you can do right now:  First, do a gut test!  You want to make sure you’re attacking the right ‘bad guy’.  At the same time, commit to 100% elimination of dairy from your diet. Also, begin eliminating refined carbs and sweets from your diet.  This means cutting out not just the cookies and chocolate and sweet treats, but also the baked goods like breads, pasta, pizza, as these convert to sugar very quickly in the body.   I get it, this is really really hard to do when you don’t feel like you can ‘control’ the cravings.  I can assure you that the first week of cutting out all sugars and carbs is the toughest.  

Diet alone however, will not resolve Candida.  There are many practitioners who will tell you, if you follow an Anti-Candida diet, you will get rid of your yeast.  This is misguided, as we know that yeast is notoriously difficult to eradicate, and diet alone simply is not enough.  You must use a targeted and powerful protocol that kills off the yeast, while keeping the healthy beneficial flora intact. Antibiotics are not the answer.  And even most anti-fungal medications are not the answer.  

Using the right combination, in the right strength, of potent natural anti-fungal agents, (such as berberine, caprylic acid, oregano, olive leaf and others)  and taking a therapeutic-grade, spore based probiotic will be needed alongside any anti-fungal diet, to give you a successful outcome. Starving off the “yeasties and the beasties” and getting rid of your aggravating symptoms is within your reach!

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