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Heal your gut for good and get your life back!

Happy Gut program is the proven 12-week method to restore your gut function, and eliminate your most frustrating symptoms, so you can live the life you’ve been waiting for!

YOU  have a dream to enjoy the best years of your life with vitality, drive, and joy

WE  have the clinical expertise, support, and natural solutions,  to guide you to results-  a lot quicker and easier than you imagined.

Yes, I Want To Join!
Worried about everything you eat because if it’s the ‘wrong’ thing, the pain is miserable.
Sick of bloating like a balloon after you eat a normal meal.
Had it with popping medications for acid reflux (and knowing it’s not fixing the real issue).
Needing to know where the nearest restroom is, and stressed every time you leave home.
Enduring heartburn after eating, and wondering what is going to trigger it next.
Feeling slightly nauseous, whether you've eaten or not.
Running to the bathroom shortly after eating (now what am I reacting to!)
Going days without a bowel movement and the pain, cramps, and inflammation it causes.
Losing your appetite because eating causes pain, discomfort, or fatigue that wipes you out.
Feeling exhausted, your gut symptoms steal your drive and motivation, and leave you feeling worn out and fatigued every time you eat.
Inflamed and in pain.
If  you’ve seen lots of doctors,  done lots of research, tried many diets, and are still looking for answers, you’re in the right place!
You know in your heart (and in your gut!) that there is an underlying cause,  and that your symptoms are not ‘all in your head’!   (I can promise you they are not).
Happy Gut program is your answer to:

• My doctor did a food test and said I’ll be fine if I stay off the offending foods, but it only helped a little.

• My doctor says it’s caused from my anxiety  and I need to stay on medication to ‘manage’ it.

• My doctor doesn’t fully answer my questions, and doesn’t believe ‘leaky gut’ is a real thing.

• “I’m tired of feeling like crap.”

These are things I hear every week from people who have been dismissed by their doctor, told that their symptoms are caused by stress, or caused by their weight, and given various medications from antibiotics to anti-depressants.
And no one has bothered to investigate the true root causes!  
Or to explain to clients how the digestive system actually works!
It's Heartbreaking 💔
The solution is not more doctor visits or more medication

I can help you reclaim the body and life you deserve,  working with your body’s innate wisdom,  not against it!

IBS is one of the most common diagnoses, but this label essentially means the doctor doesn’t know the root cause of your symptoms, and treatment for it is not addressing the real reason for the internal imbalances.
Book a chat with Natalie
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Test, don’t guess!

In the Happy Gut program, we use the latest in scientific gastrointestinal testing.  Your comprehensive GI test is part of the program!

This test tells us far more than what is looked at in a standard GI test; we’re testing;

Stomach function
Small intestine
Parasites/ yeast/ viral pathogens/ dysbiotic bacteria etc!

That’s right, we’ll test all of these, for the most thorough look at your gut function! Your gut program includes a customized healing protocol for your body’s unique needs!

Are you ready?

Let’s crack open the code on your digestive health.

Register Here!
How do I know if this program is for me?
You’ve been suffering without finding real answers
You’re ready to do the deeper healing work, and follow a detailed protocol so your body can heal.
You're open to busting some myths around nutrition and digestion :) 
You don’t want a generic program watching a bunch of videos and trying things on your own, you want live sessions with Natalie, in a small group setting, with others who are experiencing the same things.
You’re ready to make a commitment to your health, and you have the support of at least one other person in your life that will cheer you on.
Real Results!
What’s your root cause?
"We don’t just throw a bunch of supplements at you and hope something sticks.  We take a comprehensive look inside your gut and build a unique healing protocol specific to your body's needs."
Book a chat with Natalie
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What’s my gut got to do with it?

Have you ever...

Been told you have fatty liver?
Been diagnosed with “IBS” but know that’s not a solution?
Had gallbladder attacks or can’t tolerate fatty foods?
Had bouts of anxiety that seem connected to what's going on with your digestion?
Been told you have low thyroid or Hashimoto’s?
Deal with allergies or inflammation?
Been told you probably have ‘leaky gut’?
Been told you might have a parasite infection?
Have an auto immune disease?
Did you know that all of these share the same root causes - imbalances in your GI tract, impaired digestion, and a weakened microbiome!
I can help you reclaim the life you deserve, working with your body’s innate wisdom, not against it!
The Truths:

Your digestive system is the top healing priority of your body! Healing your gut starts with repairing foundation number one-  digestion.  If the stomach isn’t doing its job, digestion won’t happen the way it’s supposed to, which means you can’t absorb the nutrients from your food!  (you could be eating a perfect diet, but you’re not getting the benefit of it!)

In Happy Gut, we repair digestion first, which dramatically increases your body’s ability to heal the rest of the GI system and eliminate your most frustrating symptoms.
Every aspect of your health is dependent on good digestive function!

Digestive healing is based on straightforward physiology.  It’s the way your body was designed to work!

Here’s how Happy Gut Program is delivered:

Happy Gut is both simple, and completely transformative.
It’s designed to be manageable and sit alongside your busy life

10 Live Zoom Sessions

We’ll meet in Natalie’s Zoom Room for 10 live sessions over the 12-week program.

10 Video ‘Tips and Tricks’

In addition to the live Zoom visits, you’ll receive individual videos explaining everything you need to know during each phase of your healing protocol!

Customized Protocols

You’ll get a customized healing protocol, based on your individual gut test results.  The protocol includes targeted supplements, diet swaps, and habit adjustments, to ensure your success in healing completely.

Optional Food Inflammation Testing

You have the option to add on a food sensitivity test, covering 176 different foods! and checking for any inflammatory response in your body from these foods.  

*Separate fee for this add-on test

Support Between Classes

You get access to our private community to connect with Natalie and the other group participants between sessions.  We’re in this together!

Replays Available

All live sessions are recorded for you.  If you miss a week, you won’t miss a beat! Replays are available throughout the entire 12 week program.

Happy Gut will clearly lay out the road map for your success, walk you through the steps, and guide you to complete freedom from your symptoms!   We're in this together!
You deserve to know there’s a better way.  
Take the online leaky gut quiz!

This questionnaire will help you rate your gut health based on the symptoms you notice most.

Start Free Test
Enrolling Now!

Choose the plan that works for you.
Most Flexible
2 Monthly Payments
USD $1250/Month
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Best Value
One Time Payment
USD $2,350
( Save $150)
Join Now
Invest in yourself now, to start feeling relief within weeks, even if your symptoms have gone on for years!
Have questions? Book a Chat with Natalie
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Happy Clients!
Hear what our clients are saying!

This is the happiest my stomach has been in SO long! And I have days now where my ring is falling off! The puffiness and inflammation is just down down down.

Jennifer S.
Vancouver, WA
Relief is within Reach!
Here's how we'll get you there:

Reverse  Inflammation

Remove whole-body inflammatory triggers.

Heal Tissue Damage To Upper GI

Repairing your esophagus and stomach mucosal lining.

Support Adrenal Gland Health

Increase your stress resiliency, energy, and capacity to heal

Restore Digestion

Optimize gastric secretions and give the stomach it's power back.

Rebuild Your Microbiome

The beneficial and dysbiotic flora that are running the whole show.

Decongest And Optimize Gallbladder Function

Power up the pump, so you can digest fats and balance hormones.

Detox And Revitalize The Liver

This powerhouse performs over 700 functions in the body. Restoring your vitality starts here!

Optimize Pancreatic Output

Pancreatic 'sludge' is just as common as fatty liver!

Heal And Seal The Small Intestine

It's only one cell thick!  Here's where leaky gut happens.

Eradicate Pathogens

Yeast, bacteria, parasites, or other common gut infections.

Restore Proper Colon Function

Do you have over-motility/ under-motility, or inflammation?

Optimize Nutrient Status

Build your meals to fuel you for hours with steady, strong energy.

Your body will be doing a lot of repair work, in a short amount of time.

Your healing protocol will be customized to your unique root causes, based on your gut test findings, as well as how your body is talking to us!   This requires targeted, professional-grade nutraceuticals, diet swaps, and a willingness to be coached and learn new things!

Happy Gut is a comprehensive program that eliminates the inflammatory processes that are preventing lasting and permanent healing.

Together,  we’re restoring you back to the version of yourself you’ve been waiting for!!
You deserve life changing results!
Still Unsure?
Start Here
Q: Is this an online program?
Q: Why 12 weeks?
Q: How many other participants will be going through the program at the same time as me?
Q: What's the benefit of doing this in a group program, rather than one-on-one with you?
Q: How will I know if the program is working for me?
Q: Are there any side effects from doing this program?
Have more questions? Book a 15 minute chat with Natalie!
You deserve life changing results!
Get Started